:: TSTTA ::


Rules for Date of Birth Certificate

Guidelines for Submission of Date of Birth Certificates

The under-mentioned/following Guidelines will be applicable in respect of events organized by TTFI and TSTTA in the year 2024.

  1. Date of Birth Certificate should be in original (attested copies are not acceptable) issued by the Corporation/Municipality/Panchayat where the player was born with signature and seal of the Competent Authority. If it is in any language other than English, the translated version (attested by Gazette Officer or First-Class Magistrate) should be submitted.
  2. It should have been registered with the Corporation/Municipality/Panchayat and should be obtained within one year from the date of birth of the child.
  3. As per Registration of Birth and Death Act, 1969, if the DOB is not registered with the Corporation/Municipality within a period of one year from the birth of the child, the following supportive documents in original should be produced, in support of the Date of Birth certificate and obtain a Judicial Order:
    1. Original Discharged summary from the hospital where the child was born.
    2. Original copy of the maternity leave sanctioned by the employers of the mother; in case she is employed. (The said documents should clearly bear the name and seal of Competent Authority granting the said leave).
  4. With the support of documents 1 and 2 above, the parents should obtain Judicial Order from the first-class Magistrate. To obtain the same, six-month period shall be allowed.
  5. Please note that DOB Certificate issued by any other Authorities will not be accepted.

  • It may be emphasized that even after submission of required age documents, TSTTA reserves the rights to independently investigate in visual the authenticity of the Age Certificate.
  • It shall be the responsibility of District Association Secretaries that the above guidelines are strictly complied with and also to check the authenticity of Birth Certificate at the time of submission by a player.
  • District Associations are required to maintain a proper record of the eligible players in all categories along with self-attested copies of the supporting documents.
  • TSTTA reserves the right to call for inspection/verification of records of District Associations or any player at any time by prior notice for test inspection proposes or in the event of any complaint received by the TSTTA with respect to age of any player.